

Brined horse or beef meat


Brined horse or beef meat

Horse or beef meat, brined in wine, salt, herbs and spices for at least eight days and then cooked. To be eaten seasoned with oil, vinegar and raw onion, accompanied with finely chopped red or green radicchio, or with Borlotti beans.

100/120 g di carne salada
100 g di fagioli bianchi di spagna o borlotti
1/2 scalogno o cipolla rossa
olio, sale e pepe per condire
100/120 g of carne salada
100 g of white runner beans or Borlotti beans
1/2 shallot or red onion
Oil, salt and pepper for seasoning

Prendete il pezzo di carne salada e tagliatela a fette sottili e disponetela su di un piatto. Tagliate la cipolla un po’ grossolanamente, aggiungete i fagioli precedentemente sbollentati e unite il tutto condendo con sale e olio.
Take the piece of carne salada and cut it into thin slices and arrange it on a plate. Cut the onion a little coarsely, add the previously blanched beans and add everything to the plate, seasoning with salt and oil.

Le famiglie contadine avevano la necessità di conservare la carne il più a lungo possibile. Lo si faceva seguendo tre modalità: salandola ed essiccandola, affumicandola e stagionandola, oppure mettendola in salamoia.
Peasant families needed to keep meat for as long as possible. It was done in three ways: by salting and drying it, by smoking it and seasoning it, or by putting it in brine.

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